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The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University

The Vanderbilt Hustler

The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University since 1888
The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University

The Vanderbilt Hustler

The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University since 1888
The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University

The Vanderbilt Hustler

The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University
Eigen Escario

Eigen Escario, Former Staff Photographer

Eigen Escario (’26) is from Birmingham, Alabama. He is majoring in human and organizational development with a double major in computer science and minoring in business in Peabody College. In his spare time, Eigen enjoys taking ballroom lessons with his friends and handling the livestream for Vandy Ice Hockey.

All content by Eigen Escario
Dayglow performs in the rain at Rites of Spring on Alumni Lawn, as photographed on April 21, 2023. (Hustler Multimedia/Sara West)

IN PHOTOS: Rites of Spring 2023

By Eigen Escario, Staff Photographer, Writer and Podcaster
May 1, 2023
Claire Rosinkranz performs at The Basement East, as photographed on Feb. 18, 2023. (Hustler Multimedia/Sara West)

Claire Rosinkranz rocks The Basement East with star-studded line-up

By Eigen Escario, Staff Writer, Photographer and Podcaster
Feb 24, 2023
Graphic depicting a Vanderbilt student trying to make it in Hollywood. (Hustler Multimedia/Lexie Perez)

Vandy in Hollywood launches scholarship fund

By Eigen Escario, Staff Writer, Photographer and Podcaster
Jan 29, 2023
#22 Ella Shamburger looks for a pass on the field captured on Sept. 2, 2022. (Hustler Multimedia/Eigen Escario)

[Photo] IN PHOTOS: September Sports Special, Part 1

By Arianna Santiago, Multimedia Sports Specialist
Sep 14, 2022