As a current sophomore living on Highland Quad with an approved emotional support animal on campus, I’m lucky enough to return to my dorm, come day or night, and be greeted by the sweetest of sounds — a meow. Though the following furry friends aren’t all Vanderbilt residents, they are sure to be as cute and cuddly as my own.
Hustler: Abby Hoelscher, Photography Editor
Name of Pet: Tuesday Goose
Favorite Activity: Playing fetch with straws and/or Q-tips
Fun Fact: She was found under a porch and given the name Jasmine at the adoption shelter.
One-liner: “Can I sit on your laptop?”
Hustler: Daniela Aguilar, Life Editor
Name of pets: Sol, Chapulin
Favorite activity: Sol — laying on Daniela’s bed and sunbathing; Chapulin — jumping on the trampoline and eating food scraps
Fun fact: Every cat Daniela has ever owned has been tailless or had a very short tail! In addition, Chapulin was named “grasshopper” in Spanish because he jumped a lot as a pup.
One-liner: Sol — “Where’s Daniela?!” and Chapulin — “Where’s Alondra?!”
Hustler: Kate Connell, Opinion Editor
Name of pet: Lumos
Favorite activity: Going on car rides with the windows down
Fun fact: He was actually the runt of the litter, but you definitely can’t tell now!
One-liner: “Do you want to take another nap with me?”
Hustler: Alysa Suleiman, Social Media Editor
Name of pets: Button, Coco
Favorite activity: Button — barking, running out of the house and into oncoming traffic, begging for food; Coco — sulking if she doesn’t get cuddles
Fun fact: Button has a yellow spot on his back, which is how we know he wasn’t a purebred even though the seller said he was.
One-liner: “I don’t do tricks unless I get a treat.”
Hustler: Sam El-Shammaa, Graphics Editor
Name of pet: Mochi
Favorite activity: Napping, destroying her toys
Fun fact: She’s the kitten of a stray cat Sam’s grandparents fed — their cousins have her brother!
One-liner: “She goofy I love her.”
Hustler: Chloe Whalen, Games Editor
Name of pet: Bella
Favorite activity: “Supervising,” or staring at Chloe while she does things
Fun fact: Bella will eat anything except watermelon!
One-liner: “I have a busy day of napping, napping and more napping.”’
Hustler: Alex Brodeur, Music Correspondent
Name of pet: Malarkey
Favorite activity: Spending time with Alex’s dad
Fun fact: She is polydactyl, with an additional finger on one of her front paws.
One-liner: “More snacks, please.”
Hustler: Jorie Fawcett, Senior Advisor
Name of pet: Ramona
Favorite activity: Bird watching
Fun Fact: Ramona is a fashionista and loves sleeping on purses.
One-liner: “Dinner is late…”
Hustler: George Albu, Deputy Opinion Editor
Name of pet: Bella
Favorite activity: Chasing birds and squirrels around the yard
Fun fact: She is a labrador but somehow afraid of swimming.
One-liner: “I’ll do it if I want to.”
Hustler: Charlotte Castle, Deputy News Editor
Name of pet: Fritz
Favorite activity: Playing tug of war, eating literally anything, barking at neighbors
Fun fact: Fritz has never taken longer than two minutes to eat his breakfast or dinner. Little man loves to eat.
One-liner: “Is it dinner time yet?”
Hustler: Isabella Bautista, Senior Staffer
Name of pets: Luna, Leo, Moe, Sunny
Favorite activity: Playing tag
Fun fact: They were adopted in four consecutive years: 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
One-liner: “Can we have a carrot?”
Hustler: Claire Andrews, Staff Writer and Photographer
Name of pets: Waffles, Honey
Favorite activity: Waffles — watching the TV with the family; Honey — chasing birds and squirrels in the backyard
Fun fact: Waffles can do a handstand and does so frequently. Honey enjoys eating watermelon in the summer.
One-liner: “The tiny Texas duo: Waffles and Honey bring sweetness and spice to the Andrews household.”
Hustler: Ashley Hofflander, Staff Photographer
Name of pet: Fonzi
Favorite activity: Following people around
Fun fact: His full name is Fonzarelli.
Hustler: Michael Carroll, Staff Writer
Name of pets: Georgia, Grace
Favorite activity: Georgia — jumping up to give hugs; Grace — being told how pretty she is
Fun fact: Georgia can chase her tail on command, and Grace is named after Gracie Lou Freebush in “Miss Congeniality.”
One-liner: Georgia — “Why can’t I have a drink of your coffee?” Grace —“How dare you speak to me in that tone!”
Hustler: Ameera Islam, Staff Writer
Name of pets: Casper, Beau
Favorite activity: Going on walks around the neighborhood
Fun fact: Casper strongly disliked Beau when they first met, and now they are inseparable. Enemies to lovers core.
One-liner: “The Dynamic Duo.”
Hustler: Diana Kawafha, Staffer-in-Training
Name of pet: Mango
Favorite activity: Sleeping
Fun fact: Diana brought Mango home from the pet store without telling her mom. He will sleep anywhere. He is only 5 months old.
One-liner: “Mango got really stuck in the couch, you could say curiosity almost killed the cat.”
Hustler: Josie Sinwell, Staffer-in-Training
Name of pet: Lolly
Favorite activity: Playing fetch but not bringing the ball back
Fun fact: She is 14 years old!
One-liner: “NOT a crusty white dog.”
Hustler: Barrie Barto, Editor-in-Chief
Name of pet: Luna
Favorite activity: Finding a patch of sunshine to curl up for a nap after fetch
Fun fact: She has never been allowed on furniture in the house but loves sleeping on hotel beds.
One-liner: “If I put my face in your lap, will you pet me forever?”