When the Central study rooms are occupied and you want to find a quiet study space on campus, it can be difficult to settle down. While going off-campus can be fun, the convenience of staying on campus also has its perks. As the semester shifts into high gear and you seek to rejuvenate your study habits, we’ve rated our personal favorite study spots to suit your needs.

Cohen Memorial Hall Gallery
Situated right beside the picturesque Peabody Lawn, Cohen Memorial Hall takes the cake for one of the most beautiful study locations on campus. Since it’s slightly undiscovered, the gallery offers a perfect place for a semi-quiet study session when you need to get away from the busyness. The gallery houses art and historical information associated with the Department of Classics. This feature, along with its high ceilings and abundance of natural light, makes this building among the most intellectually stimulating locations at Vanderbilt. Just beyond the ornate staircase, through the side hallways, you’ll find a full set of sofas with a conveniently placed conference table in the middle.

Divinity Library, Floor 1
When you’re looking for a place free of distraction thanks to the bustle of people passing by, the bottom of Divinity Library is your perfect candidate. Step into Central and take the elevator down to floor 1, where you will enter the Divinity Library, complete with more books than you can possibly imagine. Lined with rows of old-fashioned desks accompanied by outlets, this more traditional setting offers an ideal location for an uninterrupted Zoom call.

Buttrick Hall, Atrium Lounge
In the middle of main campus, Buttrick is often an easy meeting place for students walking from all parts of campus. This building features a constant stream of natural sunlight with various lounges overlooking the gorgeous atrium. As a plus, there are couches, tables and comfortable chairs throughout the building with several whiteboards that fit any needs for exam study. In the evening and on weekends, the wide-open classrooms are also open for finishing those last-minute chemistry notes, working on math problems and practicing presentations with your fake audience.

Stevenson Library, Open Floor Seats
Stevenson often feels more lively than some of the darker Central floors. Built into the open floor, there are a variety of study options ranging from quiet spaces to cubicles and even separate study rooms. It’s worth pointing out that if you get to the library before it opens, there are a few tables in the lobby and a space near the vending machines where you can get a headstart on your studying. Aside from a nice view into the great outdoors, the quick access to a printer is the cherry on top when it comes to study spots.

Central Library, Floor 8
On Sunday nights, floor 8 of Central Library can often feel like a party of students occupying the desks. In a similar fashion to what you’ll find at Stevenson, the openness of the floorplan on floor 8 makes for a nice change of scenery compared to the closed-up cubicles in the rest of Central. The desks facing Wesley allow for natural sunlight and a view of the sky. It’s also great to study with your peers!
Our Final Thoughts as You Prepare for Finals
These are just a few of the contenders for best study spots on campus. With the semester more than halfway over, finals will be around before you know it, which means finding the perfect place to focus will only become more crucial. Thanks to the seemingly endless number of nooks and crannies around campus, rest assured, there’s a spot for everyone.