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The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University

The Vanderbilt Hustler

The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University since 1888
The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University

The Vanderbilt Hustler

The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University since 1888
The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University

The Vanderbilt Hustler

The official student newspaper of Vanderbilt University
Arman Amin

Arman Amin, News Beat Head

Arman Amin (‘27) is a student in the College of Arts and Science planning to major in political science. When not writing for The Hustler, you can find him listening to music, going for a run or spending time with friends. You can reach him at

All content by Arman Amin
Aerial view of Zeppos and West End, as photographed on Aug. 17, 2022. (Hustler Multimedia/Maya Nachenga)

Meet the nine new Ingram Scholars

By Arman Amin, Staffer-in-Training
Jul 31, 2023