Did all your friends ditch you for dates on Valentine’s Day? If you are left wondering how to spend the evening and looking for something to make you feel better about your current relationship status, we’ve got you covered. Watch these five movies that will have you loving the single life!
“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” (1955)
If you want to feel as uncomfortable as a “cat on a hot tin roof,” watch this movie. Originally a play by Tennessee Williams, the adapted film depicts the dysfunctional relationship between a closeted and alcoholic Brick Pollitt (Paul Newman) and baby-trapping Maggie Pollitt (Elizabeth Taylor). Witness Maggie fight for the Pollitt family inheritance and Brick fail to live up to the facade she’s trying to create. If you want to watch a couple with absolutely no romantic feelings for each other, this is the movie for you. “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” also serves as a good reminder that even if they’re rich, they’re probably not worth it.
“The Graduate” (1967)
Call me crazy, but this one is a must-see. This dark comedy follows the tumultuous love (?) life of a panicking Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) as he faces his future after graduating from college. Finding himself involved with Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), one of his parents’ friends, Braddock has to navigate the prospect of his future alongside the drama that comes with having an affair. With an amazing soundtrack, some very quotable moments and probably one of the most iconic closing scenes of any movie, this film will certainly remind you that some of us just shouldn’t be getting involved with love right now.
“Romeo and Juliet” (1996)
The romance story of all time, inspiring so many… to stay away from love. The movie asks the question: is a relationship really worth the hassle? If you’re thinking of tragic love as a thing of the past, then watch this modern spin on “Romeo and Juliet,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes, to remind you that love is a tragedy in the modern age, too. So, watch Romeo and Juliet fight for their love and ultimately fail. And let’s be honest — there’s nothing romantic about that finale. Love makes people stupid, so do yourself a favor: stay smart and stay single.
“500 Days of Summer” (2009)
There is no movie like “500 Days of Summer” to make you think, “Hmmmm, you know what? Attempting love might not be for me!” A couple (Or are they? No one knows.) played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel try to make it together despite having different views of what love is and what love can be. This is an evil movie; get ready to know no comfort, no solace and no hero. Plus, if you watch “The Graduate” before this, you’ll be ready for the one scene that makes this movie redeemable.
“Marriage Story” (2019)
Although the title may sound romantic, “Marriage Story” is the opposite. Follow Charlie and Nicole Barber (Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson, respectively) as they get a bicoastal divorce and fight an intense custody battle over their son Henry (Azhy Robertson). The court case leaves you questioning why they ever ended up together, as their worst traits are revealed. This movie is incredibly sad, but it leaves hope that life can get better once you’re single.