The Senior Commons project said to be “underway” by University Landscape Architect James Moore at the Dec. 12, 2023, University Staff Advisory Council meeting is now said to be “in review” by the Vanderbilt Facilities Department. University leaders clarified the status of this project to The Hustler after the April 15 Hustler article about the proposed Senior Commons after previously declining to comment or not responding to The Hustler’s requests for comment on this matter.
The meeting minutes for the Dec. 12, 2023, USAC meeting read that Moore said an architect had been chosen for the Senior Commons, which would be located at Terrace Place, behind Wilson Hall and Kissam Center, and sleep 1,526 students. As of publication, no construction is ongoing at this site.
Eric Ball of Adjaye Associates unintentionally featured plans drafted in 2022 for the Senior Commons on his website as of April 15, but later removed them from public access. Facilities clarified that these plans are not final and were sent to Vanderbilt during the project exploration and planning period. Pascale Sablan, CEO of the Adjaye Associates New York studio, told The Hustler that another architecture firm was selected for the Senior Commons.
Facilities explained to The Hustler that potential university construction projects will be advanced based on “overall needs and resource availability.”