Our book bags and the items inside them say a lot about who we are, whether it’s a favorite notebook for jotting down ideas or lip gloss that adds the perfect finishing touch to our look. Each item tells a story. Read on to discover what some of The Hustler’s staff carry in their book bags!
Daniela Aguilar, Life Editor

Snacks: One lesson that my mom taught me is to always have at least two snacks in your bag. You never know when you’ll need a quick bite before class or a study snack during a long library session. I like to keep granola and fruit bars on hand, especially since they’re always in stock at Munchie Mart.
Lip combo: I take pride in having found a lip combo that works perfectly for me: NYX’s “Expresso” lip liner and (my well-loved) Bath & Body Works “Mentha” lip gloss. Whether I’ve done my makeup in the morning or not, reapplying my lip combo throughout the school day makes me feel a bit more put together.
iPad: I can’t believe I went through my first year at Vandy without an iPad! It has been a life saver for keeping my notes organized and taking advantage of all the cool features GoodNotes offers. Plus, I love using it to color or take care of my virtual cats in Cats and Soup whenever I need a break.
Decomposition notebook: After a trip to the bookstore last semester, I left with the cutest — and priciest — notebook I’ve ever purchased. Decomposition Books uses recycled paper and soy ink, and their covers feature artsy designs. Mine has a cute little house in a forest.
Travel-size hand sanitizer: Every time I pull out my Bath & Body Works cherry blossom-scented hand sanitizer, I’m transported back to elementary school, when everyone was oddly obsessed with the brand. Since then, I’ve always kept hand sanitizer on hand; it’s a good habit for staying clean and preventing germs from spreading.
Katherine Oung, Data Editor

Notepad and pen: Even with a laptop and iPad in tow, I always make sure to keep a notepad and a pen on me. When my mind feels fried, jotting down an idea or even just venting on real paper is the only thing that can get my brain working again.
Chapstick: My lips get super dry, especially in the winter, so I always have some chapstick on hand. Some lip balms and glosses make my lips feel even drier than before, but Burt’s Bees has always worked for me. I chose the Dragonfruit Lemon flavor, which I found strange but fun, so I had to buy it.
Gum: I fear having bad breath. Luckily, Suzies offers my favorite brand of gum, Extra, as a meal swipe side. I prefer spearmint, but, in a pinch, peppermint will do too.
Current read: I always try to keep a book in my bag for whenever I’m waiting somewhere or for someone. Right now, I’m reading “Under the Sign of Saturn” by Susan Sontag. “Actual Air” by David Berman and “Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger are up next on the rotation and waiting expectantly on my desk.
Point-and-shoot: I bought a point-and-shoot film camera before coming to college, and it has been a mainstay of mine since then. I love capturing memories I cherish and beautiful scenes around me, along with the excitement of not quite knowing what each picture will hold until I develop them.
Isabella Bautista, Life Copy Editor

Travel-size umbrella: Nashville is known for its flash thunderstorms and occasional tornado scares, so having an umbrella is absolutely essential. Many people don’t like to lug a full-size umbrella around, but the Vera Bradley one I have condenses down to about half its size when I wrap it up. I can attest that it’s saved me many times from getting stuck with a waterlogged laptop and soaked clothes before class.
Dry erase markers: One of my favorite ways to study for my STEM classes is by writing out pathways and chemical structures on a whiteboard. When I’m in the zone and finally find an open whiteboard, there’s nothing more irritating than dead markers. Keeping my own fresh markers in my backpack ensures that I’ll never have to interrupt my study session to scramble to find some functional writing tools.
Digital camera: As a photographer on an arboretum of a college campus, I often thank my past self for stashing my Canon PowerShot in my book bag. You never know when you might encounter a friendly squirrel, a beautiful bird or a picture-perfect sunset, and my phone camera simply doesn’t cut it. I use my digital camera at least every other day — there’s always something beautiful to capture on this campus.
Chloe Kim, Staff Writer and Photographer

Laptop bag: One of my biggest regrets is putting my laptop and water bottle together in the same tote bag — the water bottle spilled. After that painful day and one malfunctioning laptop later, I decided to upgrade from a plastic case to a bulky but protective laptop bag to prevent this from happening again. Better safe than sorry!
A pair of clear prescription glasses: I used to take pride in my perfect 20/20 vision, so when my doctor told me I needed prescription glasses, my heart broke a little. However, you’ll often find me not wearing them — not because I wear contacts, but because they’re usually left in my bag, collecting dust. I promise I’ll start wearing them more…
Acorn AirPods case: To show off my Vanderbilt school spirit, I bought an acorn-shaped AirPods case. I absolutely adore this little case, but the top half seems to be missing.
Harman/Kardon noise-canceling headphones: In addition to my AirPods, I always carry my noise-canceling headphones. Whenever a midterm is approaching or I need to focus, I put my headphones on, and it is like I am instantly transported into my own bubble.
Olga Konstantara, Staff Writer

Leisure book: Nashville is notorious for its unpredictable weather and high humidity levels (feel free to blame global warming for that), but I’m one of the few who enjoys the heat. I always keep a leisure book in my bag because my favorite way to unwind and soak up the sun is by lying on Alumni Lawn while flipping through its pages. Recently, I’ve been carrying Margaret Atwood’s “Old Babes in the Wood,” a collection of short stories perfect for a short read in between classes.
Sunglasses: While the warm sun rays fill me with joy, my eyes are very sensitive to them. So, my vintage olive-green oval sunglasses go everywhere with me, protecting me from the treacherous UV.
Tissues: My friends love to joke that I’m like a magician — except instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, I pull tissues from my pockets. Chronic allergic rhinitis is not a fun condition, especially in class when the peaceful silence is shattered by the not-so-delicate sound of me blowing my nose.
Gum: Since I am only taking morning classes, I cannot start my day without a drink from Suzie’s. Every morning Laney gives me the warmest greeting and my order, which they have memorized by now: spicy chai with oat milk. I always get a pack of Orbit gum as a side, alternating between spearmint and peppermint, and stack them in my bag.
George Albu, Staff Writer and Photographer

Crucifix: I originally found the cross in the Divinity School donation bin, making it feel extra special as I carry it around nearly everywhere I go on campus. I packed the cross in the top pouch of my book bag at home as a blessing for safe travels back to Nashville. Now, I keep it as a religious good-luck charm, an object of good fortune and an unseen but felt presence in my bag.
Cough drops: Many students experienced the “first-year flu.” Luckily, I carried around a bag of cough drops in the medicine pocket of my book bag, right next to travel packs of tissues. I never know when I will wake up feeling like I’ve swallowed nails, and I never want to hunt for the cough drops in my dorm. They don’t take up much space, but they do make the difference between a bearable or an unbearable day.
Earplugs: For those moments when my earbuds aren’t enough, I have my earplugs. Designed for industrial use, these two pieces of orange plastic are perfect for any noisy environment, whether I’m walking through construction sites or standing in the front row at concerts.
The Hustler stickers: Likely one of the weirdest items in my bag is a stack of 16 Vanderbilt Hustler stickers from an event last Spring. I mostly leave them in my bag, waiting to be used one day. As a bonus, I also have a Central Library sticker in my bag!
Scarlett Chen, Staff Writer

Caramel Almond & Sea Salt KIND Bar: Because I’m always running late in the mornings, I keep a KIND Bar in my bag at all times for a quick snack (the caramel flavor is by far the best one). There’s nothing worse than your stomach grumbling during a quiet moment in lecture. I’ve suffered that embarrassment too many times, so now I always have to carry a bar or two.
Headphones: I need to be listening to something at all times, especially when I’m trying to make the trek across campus in 15 minutes. Since my headphones are noise-canceling, I am often guilty of not hearing a car come up behind me…
Whatever I’m reading at the moment/iPad: Currently, I’m reading “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley. If I have the physical book, that is what I carry around, but I often read digitally on my iPad, which I carry for note-taking anyway.
Sweater: A sweater is essential not only because the temperature can change from 65 to 85 degrees in a couple of hours but also because certain spots on campus are always so cold, like Stevenson Library and a specific classroom in Wilson. Even in early September or late April, Nashville’s weather can be so unpredictable.
Aquaphor: I refuse to experience the feeling of having dry lips throughout the day. Also, I think the tiny tube is pretty cute.