Five VUPD officers detained a student protesting outside Kirkland Hall at approximately 10:45 p.m. CDT and brought him into the building. According to other protestors, the student was detained for alleged destruction of property.
For the past hour, protestors have been stationed at each entrance to Kirkland Hall, banging on the doors demanding access to the building to provide those sitting in with food and water. Officers inspected a pane of broken glass at one of the entrances.

Around 11:20 p.m. CDT, Metro Nashville Police Department officers began to arrive at the scene. At least 20 officers in 15 cars were present by 11:30 p.m. CDT. Officers informed protestors outside the building that anyone remaining in Kirkland Hall would be subject to a criminal trespass charge but would not clarify whether the students could remain on the sidewalk outside Kirkland Hall. The officers positioned themselves between protestors and the rear door to Kirkland, closest to Alumni Hall. Students responded to their arrival by sitting on the ground and locking arms, recording the officers with cell phones.
Around an hour after being arrested, the originally arrested student was brought back outside and escorted by seven MNPD officers through E. Bronson Ingram Residential College to an VUPD car parked in Kirkland Circle, just outside Kirkland Hall.
At approximately 11:10 p.m. CDT, one student who was previously participating in the sit-in voluntarily left. He was not arrested and left Kirkland Hall escorted by VUPD. Other protestors said he has not been suspended.
CORRECTION: This piece previously stated that the arrested student was taken to an MNPD car, but they were taken to a VUPD car.
This breaking story will be updated as more information becomes available.