“We need to put politics in its place because when politics becomes everything, we become bad at it,” Dr. Robert Talisse said. Talisse is an American philosopher and political theorist. He is the chair of the Department of Philosophy and a political science professor here at Vanderbilt. Currently, Talisse is finishing the final book of his three-part series dealing with the moral responsibilities of democratic citizenship. Talisse and I talk about the importance of precision in words, how to become better at arguing and how democracy helps us find meaning in life.
Notes From Nash — Notes with Robert Talisse: Don’t talk politics all the time
By Farouk Ramzan, Staff Podcaster
September 24, 2023
About the Contributor
Farouk Ramzan, Staff Podcaster
Farouk Ramzan ('26) is from San Antonio majoring in psychology and economics in the College of Arts & Sciences. In his free time, he fishes, does film photography, writes novels, screenplays, and skeet shoots. He is interested in a vast era of topics ranging from statistical theory to architecture to Russian literature. You can reach him at [email protected].
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