Taxes, health insurance, dentist appointments, budgeting, and celebrating your eighteenth. The big scary world of adulthood is always in the back of our minds — especially as college students. Many of us are gaining our first taste of independence during these four years, but does that mean we should consider ourselves adults? More importantly, what does it even mean to be an adult? Listen to Eigen’s weekly digest and Grace’s personal take on #adulting.
‘Dore Diaries Entry Three: Adult…Ish
A candid roundtable discussion on what it means to come of age.
‘Dore Diaries Cover
Oct 23, 2022
About the Contributors

Grace Park, Former Staff Podcaster
Grace Park (’26) is majoring in human and organizational development and political science with a minor in business at the Peabody College. She can be reached at

Eigen Escario, Former Staff Photographer
Eigen Escario (’26) is from Birmingham, Alabama. He is majoring in human and organizational development with a double major in computer science and minoring in business in Peabody College. In his spare time, Eigen enjoys taking ballroom lessons with his friends and handling the livestream for Vandy Ice Hockey.