Smoke alarms sounded in the Recreation and Wellness Center at approximately 11:15 a.m. CDT Nov. 10, where all students were expected to report for mandatory exit COVID-19 testing.
The alarms sounded as a result of a small fire that broke out in one of the dryers. The fire was contained quickly, and there was no damage or injuries sustained, per an email from a university spokesperson.
Students were evacuated, and a Vanderbilt University Police Department (VUPD) vehicle and Metro Nashville Department truck arrived on scene. While the fire was not a major issue per a university spokesperson, testing was postponed until 3:00 p.m. CST.
A sign placed near the entrance to the building alerted arriving students that they could not enter the building and encouraged them to come back at a different time.
“Attention. Testing Center closed until 3pm, will re-open from 3pm-8pm on 11/10/2020. Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. Please email: [email protected] if these times do not work for you,” the sign read.
McTyeire International House was also evacuated Sept. 17 this year due to a heating unit catching fire. There was also another dryer fire earlier this year on Sept. 27 in Crawford House.