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(Hustler Media/Zoe Yarbrough)
(Hustler Media/Zoe Yarbrough)
Zoe Yarbrough

A Hustler-endorsed list of Halloween movies to binge this week

Whether you’re looking for a cult classic, a genuine scare or a fall aesthetic, our staff has the movie for you

Under the eerie skies of a Nashville twilight, the Hustler Life Staff gathered their cauldrons and blue light reading glasses to meet via Zoom. At the Bell Tower’s third chime, they together discussed the fate of haunting Halloween films of years past. Analyzing and re-analyzing their screenplay, dialogue, costumes, mise-en-scene, attraction and overall fright factor, the staff finally compiled a batch of movies that even Frankenstein would smile at. Below is a list for all to see (stream with caution): 


For the easily-spooked: 

“Scream” (1996)

“‘Scream’ is a cinematic masterpiece, with ‘Scream 5’ beginning production as we speak. It’s funny, spooky, self-aware and scary (if you’re a baby). Most importantly, it was the only movie franchise that got me through that three month period in 6th grade when I broke my leg pretty bad and my dad got mad at me for watching rated-R movies during my recovery (an equally spooky time). Later, on Halloween, while my friends went trick-or-treating as cute Hannah Montana characters, I opted to rock the ‘Scream’ costume. DM for pics. The film is also from the 90s and people love that, right? Not to mention the absolutely killer cast: Drew Barrymore, Courtney Cox, Ex-Mr. Courtney Cox, Jughead’s dad from Riverdale, the guy from Scooby Doo. What more could you want?” Life Copy Editor, Justine Del Monte (‘22)


For a cozy autumn morning: 

“Coraline” (2009)

“It’s a classic. You legitimately just can’t beat it. If you’re the type of person who refuses to watch animated films, get over yourself bro. There is genuinely no way to dislike Coraline,” Deputy Life Editor, Andrew Kolondra (‘22)


For the TV junkie: 

“Unsolved Mysteries” Netflix (2020)

“From the first episode, I was hooked. It’s not a long movie that gives me too much opportunity to get bored, and Netflix’s ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ is terrifying enough to make me question crossing 21st Ave. by myself at night to get to the library. It centers around unsolved murder cases in the last few decades and escaped felons who have totally reintegrated back into society. Conspiracy theorists, horror junkies and drama enthusiasts, please do yourself a favor and start watching this show,” Life Editor, Eva Pace (‘22)


For the deeply disturbed: 

“The Exorcist” (1973)

“A powerful film, not just in pure horror but in character work. This film is not just a ghost story for pure jump scares. It is a deep inspection into how our society treats faith and how to cope when there our aspects in our lives that can be out of our reach,” Steven Doan (‘24)

“It is the only movie that has ever actually scared me,” Becca Rossi (‘23)


For that kid you always thought might run off to join a cult:

“Midsommar” (2019)

“‘Midsommar’ isn’t a conventional horror film, but its gory and cultish aspects make it terrifying. The premise is realistic, and it feels modern, which makes it all the more scary. Its overall freakiness makes it a great Halloween movie,” Savannah Dupper (‘24)

“I left the theater after ‘Midsommar’ finished, and several people who had left before me were sitting in the hallway in with their heads in their hands, completely baffled by what they had just witnessed. It was so terrifying that there was almost a sense of camaraderie in watching it, like some kind of shared trauma,” Staff Writer, Charlie Shattock (‘23)


For those seeking a cinematic paragon:

“Parasite” (2019)

“‘Parasite’ is the best Halloween movie because it’s not a classic horror or thriller. Its depiction of extreme economic inequality, though exaggerated and dystopic, are a little too reminiscent of the ills currently plaguing our society and will leave you with chills for weeks after watching it,” Molly Katz (‘24)

“‘Parasite’ is a mind-bending movie with so many turns and unexpected scares. It is sure to make your Halloween weekend spooky,” Staff Writer, Sophie Edelman (‘24)

“It’s really allegorical but not in a ‘hit you over the head with metaphors’ type of way. Everyone agrees the actors did an amazing job,” Oghosa Omobude (‘24)


Best overall: 

“Hocus Pocus” (1993)

“It is simply a classic. ‘Hocus Pocus’ is a movie that never seems to get old because no matter what age you watch it, there is something for you in it. Whether that be because you relate to the younger sister or you’re older and relate to the brother. It also has young SJP so what’s not to love? Furthermore, it is quintessential halloween with its costume and set design. You cannot watch it and not get into the Halloween spirit,” Deputy Life Editor, Sahanya Bhaktaram (‘22)

“It’s such a classic Halloween movie. Restaurants name desserts and different items on their menu after this movie. Whenever I think of Fall, I think of ‘Hocus Pocus’ and those sugar cookies with Halloween prints on them,” Grace Delmonte (‘24)

“In 2020, I have learned that maybe the witches are not the villains of this movie. It is in fact their situation. I relate to them more than I ever have, and that is not a coincidence. Also, Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker can do absolutely no wrong in my book,” Staff Writer, Sophie Price (‘21)

About the Contributors
Life Staff, Author
Zoe Yarbrough
Zoe Yarbrough, Former Deputy Social Media Director
Zoe Yarbrough (2024) is a student in Peabody College double majoring in German and Child Studies. She served as Deputy Social Media Director. When not designing graphics for The Hustler, she is watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, figure skating or drinking coffee. You can reach her at [email protected].
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