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Skip the Rand line and make your own breakfast burrito right in your dorm room.
Skip the Rand line and make your own breakfast burrito right in your dorm room.
Miles Ahlgrim

Dorm Dining: Breakfast burritos have never been easier

Save a swipe. Roll a burrito.

Anyone who attended public high school will tell you that they tried their absolute best to avoid school lunch at all costs. Some achieved this by eating an abnormally huge breakfast to mute their hunger, and others would use the entire 45-minute period trying to mooch off of the lunches parents provided to other students. But those who brought their own food to eat throughout the day, they were always the most culinarily savvy. I swore by never leaving my house without something to eat later in my bag. Reheated bacon-egg-and-cheeses purchased from the deli the day before became my go-to, because nothing makes a New Yorker like myself salivate more intensely than a well-cooked BEC. With that being said, these everyday purchases were quickly draining my wallet and lacked variety. To combat this, I began making my own food.

The sandwich model lends itself to portability and efficiency, so I turned to burritos. Using my mother’s leftover rice, beans, and meat from dinner the night before and the entire arsenal of condiments in my kitchen, I embarked on a journey to become something of a burrito expert. When one combination of fillings became stale, a simple switch from jalapeños to bell peppers, or from salsa to salsa verde would change the entire flavor of the wrap. It is this versatility that marks the beauty of burrito making. 

In an effort to guide my fellow classmates away from daily Munchie Mart meals—the manifestation of school lunch at Vanderbilt—and towards culinary excellence, I will show you how to make my personal favorite burrito right from your dorm to match the fast-paced lifestyle of Vandy students that Rand Fresh Mex just cannot live up to.

The hurdle of not being able to properly cook meat or beans in a microwave is quite a high one—enter the breakfast burrito. With eggs as the main warm protein of this wrap, the meat takes a secondary role as the main labor of this recipe comes in the few minutes that it takes to scramble eggs in the microwave. Burrito making is quick and easy with the right steps.

Some of the ingredients necessary to make your killer burrito. (Photo by Miles Ahlgrim)

Remember, this recipe can be adjusted to fit your preference. If you have extra spices or ingredients, feel free to add whatever suits your taste!


Breakfast Burrito

Makes 1 burrito



2 eggs

1 flour or corn tortilla

1 avocado

2 tbsp salsa

1 bell pepper

1 oz cured salami

2 tbsp milk

Pinch salt & pepper


All of these ingredients can be found in campus Munchie Marts, with the exception of tortillas, which can be purchased at DGX (located behind Kissam) or Rite Aid. 


Preparing the Mix

  1. Microwave tortilla for 30 seconds (if prepping in advance to eat for breakfast, skip this step and microwave the entire burrito when ready to serve).
  2. Split avocado and spread around the tortilla to create a base.
  3. Tear apart slices of cured meat—I chose hot salami—into several pieces and sprinkle them evenly around the avocado spread.
  4. Cut bell pepper into eighths. Cut 2 of the 8 pieces into ½ inch pieces and sprinkle them evenly around the spread.
  5. Crack both eggs into a microwave safe bowl. Add milk and a pinch of both salt and pepper. Personally, I think it crude and unnatural to make scrambled eggs without salt and pepper. Beat eggs until yolks are fully blended. Microwave bowl on high for 1 minute. Scramble eggs. Microwave for 45 more seconds. Note: It is essential that this step is done after the other ingredients have been put into the burrito to preserve the warmth. No one likes lukewarm eggs.
  6. Distribute the now-scrambled eggs into the tortilla.
  7. Top the mix with 2 scoops (about a tablespoon each) of salsa distributed evenly throughout the tortilla.
  8. If any one ingredient is concentrated too heavily in one spot, be sure to spread it out. The main fault of FreshMex is the segregation of ingredients—one bite will be all sour cream, and another all lettuce. You should avoid this!


The main protein of your breakfast burrito is eggs, which makes for microwavable cooking. (Photo by Miles Ahlgrim)

The Roll

While it may seem simple, this is where even the most beautiful of burritos fall apart—literally. I am a firm believer that every college student ought to know how to roll a perfect burrito, so here we go:

  1. While most people center the mix in the middle of the tortilla, I prefer to offset it to whichever side I will begin the roll.
  2. Rotate the tortilla to where the side where the mix is skewed is closest to you.
  3. Using both hands, pick up the right and left sides of the tortilla and pinch them towards each other.
  4. Using your middle finger to hold this pinch in place, use both thumbs to pick up the side closest to you (where the mix is closer to) and fold it over the mix, while tucking your middle fingers below your thumbs.
  5. After this, quickly tuck in the flap of the tortilla that you just rolled over into the other side of the mix.
  6. Finish by rolling the rest of the tortilla with all 5 fingers as if you were re-rolling paper towels.
  7. If consuming immediately, I recommend microwaving the finished product for 10-15 seconds for a little warmth. If saving for the next morning, refrigerate and microwave later for about 1 minute.


A hearty breakfast burrito can be made right from your dorm room. (Photo by Miles Ahlgrim)

Starting your day with a hearty breakfast burrito will help you save meal swipes and time, and offers a variety of options to explore. The more familiar you get with making wraps, the easier it will become to create different flavors for different occasions. 

Happy cheffing!

About the Contributor
Miles Ahlgrim, Former Staff Writer
Miles Ahlgrim was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He majored in human & organizational development. In his free time he likes exploring new music, watching the Mets and shopping overseas.
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