In the past two weeks, a handful of friends and some complete strangers have told me they’re on board with veganism, but don’t know where to start. If you’d consider yourself one of those people, today’s your lucky day. To those of you looking for recipes, inspiration, tips, tricks and plant-based motivation, you’ve got to check out Veganuary is a charity dedicated to making veganism easy and accessible for all. When you sign up for free on the website, you pledge to go vegan for 31 days alongside thousands of other curious, budding vegans. What you get in return, besides glowing health and a lighter conscience, is thousands of recipes from all over the world, grocery shopping guides, unique meal plans to fit your lifestyle, lists of accidentally vegan products (yes, there are more than just Oreos), baking how-to’s, instructions on how to eat out at places like Taco Bell and Starbucks, as well as links to the top rated vegan books, movies and speeches to check out if you’re curious.
As the website suggests, if you’re someone who likes to absorb information while plopped on the couch in front of Netflix, I’d suggest you watch What the Health. If you prefer snuggling up with a good book, get yourself a copy of How Not to Die by the incredible Dr. Michael Gregor. I got my newly-vegan dad a copy for Christmas, so you can discuss its contents with him if you need a reading buddy. If you’re more like me, and you prefer to absorb your information by scrolling through Instagram, here’s my advice: flood your feed with the posts of plant-based influencers and activists who inspire you. Follow all the people who post uplifting captions and take pictures of yummy food that make you suddenly starving. These people will help you feel like you’re surrounded by your own personal vegan community. Obviously, I’m here for you. But imagine if every time you opened up Instagram, you found yourself within a massive community of hundreds or thousands of vegans who make you excited about life. You’d never have a shortage of new recipes to try and you’d always be just a few taps away from getting advice from some super compassionate, expert vegans. Here’s a very brief list of some of the influencers who keep me inspired every day and who I absolutely encourage you to follow: @jiliciousjourney @stella.rae @naturallystefanie @veganfatkid @tessbegg @sweetpotatosoul @emmlaird @tringsby @tattedvegan @richroll @monamifrost @chakabars @jennymustard @avantgardevegan @jamesaspey @edynjacks @infinitewaters @veganbros.
Because I know you want them, here are my favorite vegan food porn accounts to bless your Insta feed with as well: @imhorngry_ @eatdrinkvegan @sixvegansisters @cinnamonsnail @nash_vegan @atlvegans @hotforfood @veganvee @cheaplazyvegan. You’re welcome. Go explore the plant-based world that’s waiting for you with open arms. Follow the people you’d be down to grab almond milk lattes with and DM them your questions. Just like me, they are willing and ready to help you become your greatest version this year.