Zarrin Zahid
Graphic depicting a person reading next to a bookshelf. (Hustler Multimedia/Zarrin Zahid)
For many of us, reading has long been viewed as a chore. However, with the rise of book reviews and sharing on social media — or more specifically, “BookTok” — recreational reading has become more popular within the past few years. This dying art for younger generations has paradoxically been revived by the internet. Whether you’re reconnecting with a childhood love for books or trying it out for the first time, recreational reading is back, so here are some strategies to seamlessly dive right in.
Binge BookTok
A great place to start your book journey may be the platform that rescued reading for Gen Z and Millenials –– TikTok. The platform contains a plethora of creators dedicated to sharing their favorite books and providing recommendations. While my “For You Page” is already inundated with these creators, you can find book reviews, summaries and suggestions with a simple search. Many of these videos are broken down by genre, and some critique which trending “BookTok” books are really worth it. This is a great strategy for those who arrive at the bookstore overwhelmed and frozen by all of the options. With BookTok’s assistance, you can walk in with a list of books, simplifying the search process.
The movie method
The classic saying that the book is always better than the movie, more often than not, can ring true. Decide this for yourself by browsing some of the original material for your favorite movies. There is a significant pipeline in Hollywood of books that are converted into movies, including fan favorites like “The Hunger Games” series, “The Help” and “Gone Girl.” Choosing books that were made into movies you love will align with your genre or plot interests and may provide an easier read as the content is somewhat familiar. However, you may be surprised how the book can contain additional scenes, characters or internal monologues that are absent from the movie. It is this depth that makes the book versions so rich.
Download Goodreads
For avid social media users, Goodreads may be the next app for you. Goodreads provides a space for users to rank and share reviews of the books they’ve read, compile a list of future reads and read the reviews of “friends” or other users. This integrative platform is perfect to vet books by readers before making a commitment. It’s also a great way to set reading goals for yourself and track your progress on the books you’ve read over time. I find it easy to forget books, and this app is helpful in jogging my memory.
Try out audiobooks
If your classes are reading-heavy and the thought of laying your eyes on more words feels exhausting, audiobooks might be the solution for you. Audiobooks are convenient because they can be consumed anywhere –– in the car, at the gym, etc. –– making reading more accessible even for the busiest of people. This book style can make the story come alive as it is narrated to you. For podcast lovers, this may be your next step to get into reading.
Join a book club
With the surge in reading popularity from BookTok came the return of book clubs as well. If you are someone who needs motivation or to be held accountable with your reading goals, book clubs can help keep you on track. It is also a great opportunity to be social or engage in a new hobby with friends. Forget the cliched, old, stuffy book clubs your mom goes to — perhaps a book party might be the better term. Choose a book, set up a deadline and come together for food, desserts and socializing to discuss the book of your choice. Stories become so much more meaningful when they are shared with others.
While I may be biased in my love for reading after entering college as an English major, even the most STEM-oriented folks can find value and joy in reading. All it can take is the right book to click and turn the tide in your reading life. Sometimes, it is the wrong book that can hinder your progress and slow down your momentum. While it can be a gamble, it’s worth a shot to end up finding your all-time favorite book or an iconic quote you will cite forever. Perhaps that’s part of the fun of it. Reading is a treasure hunt with some gems and duds mixed in, but you have to crack open a cover and turn the page to find out.