Sam El-Shammaa
Graphic depicting an open diary with several doodles and the words, "'Dore Diaries Year Two with Kate Connell and Anastasia Thumser." (Hustler Multimedia/Sam El-Shammaa)
The Vanderbilt Hustler • January 18, 2024 • https://vanderbilthustler.com/2024/01/18/dore-diaries-the-classes-we-love-and-hate/
Welcome to another episode of ‘Dore Diaries: Year Two! In this episode, hosts Kate Connell and Anastasia Thumser discuss their favorite (and not-so-favorite) classes they’ve had at Vanderbilt so far!
Sam El-Shammaa
Graphic depicting an open diary with several doodles and the words, "'Dore Diaries Year Two with Kate Connell and Anastasia Thumser." (Hustler Multimedia/Sam El-Shammaa)