Mehak Malhotra
Icicles shadowed by the Chicago skyline on Jan. 4, 2021. (Hustler Multimedia/Mehak Malhotra)
As the Fall 2021 semester drew to a close, students slowly finished exams, packed up and went home. While some fortunate students were able to depart shortly after the last day of classes, many had to trudge through until Dec. 18 (a brutally late last day of exams). Winter break brought with it an emergence of the omicron variant and uncertainty about the upcoming spring semester. Amidst it all, the Multimedia staff captured some of the beauty of break and shared perspective on the time away from Vandyville.
Alex Venero, Multimedia Director
Winter was one spent at home in Rumson, New Jersey. Going home, especially after this past semester, was a much needed time of rest and recovery. These photos capture most of what I do at home: spend time with friends and make a nightly trek to capture the sunset over the Jersey Shore. Nothing brings me more peace than sunsets at the beach, time with friends and a yummy Nutella bowl from Playa Bowls.
Miguel Beristain, Staff Photographer
My winter break started later than expected because of a Saturday evening final exam for Anatomy and Physiology. However, I still was able to enjoy spending time with my family without stressing about academics. I got to eat lots of traditional Mexican food, such as pozole and mixiotes, and enjoy spending time outdoors, which I don’t get to do as much on campus. Living in Tennessee, I get to experience rapidly changing weather patterns— everything from 60 degree weather at Fall Creek Falls to 70 degrees at the Great Smoky Mountains, which rapidly fell to 18 degrees that same day.
Connie Chen, Staff Photographer
The neighborhood shown in these photos truly is unlike any other—almost every single house on this lane had Christmas decorations, ranging from simple Santas to red, inflatable houses. The neighbors seemed to join together to create an experience that people from all age groups would cherish.
Mehak Malhotra, Staff Photographer
My winter break was fun and relaxing, even with the rapid surge of omicron cases. I tried to make the most of it by spending time with family and taking out time to do activities, such as photography and reading. I missed exploring the streets of Chicago and taking skyline pictures, so I spent a lot of time going downtown with friends, doing photoshoots and playing in the snow. It was also my first time trying street photography, and I found it really fun, so I’m looking forward to exploring the streets of Nashville with my camera!
Narenkumar Thirmiya, Staff Photographer
I took photos of the Lake Eola Christmas Lights in Downtown Orlando as well as pictures of my garden at home. Omicron cases have been skyrocketing in the area of Florida in which I live. As a result, the atmosphere in Orlando tends to feel a little distant and isolated. Despite the pandemic, the city’s inhabitants and I continue to find ways to spend time during the holidays and engage with the outside world.